Player Summary - Peter Matthews


Total Matches7
Total Games21
Games Won20
Games Lost1
Win Average95.2 %
Set Average3.7
Doubles Played4
Played Up3

Point Details


Played Summary

Game Results

Opponent Opponent Team Match Date Score
Joe Parkyn Aldworth D 24/Sep/2024
Andy Jeffery Aldworth D 24/Sep/2024
Bryan Vaz Aldworth D 24/Sep/2024
Eric Wong KG C 09/Oct/2024
Oliver Owen-Thomas KG C 09/Oct/2024
Steve Ng KG C 09/Oct/2024
Tommy Wan Queens D 21/Oct/2024
Jonathan Hopson Queens D 21/Oct/2024
Martin Gilbey Queens D 21/Oct/2024
Peter Martin Queens C ( Queens E ) 24/Oct/2024
Bill Stamatiou Queens C 24/Oct/2024
David Joyce Queens C 24/Oct/2024
Gary Livingstone Aldworth B 19/Nov/2024
Antony Baker Aldworth B 19/Nov/2024
Jamie Cole Aldworth B 19/Nov/2024
Jose Manuel Gonzalez Cruz KG B 26/Nov/2024
Padmindra Gurung KG B 26/Nov/2024
Steve Ng KG B ( KG C ) 26/Nov/2024
Phil Russell Queens E 17/Dec/2024
Steve Armstrong Queens E 17/Dec/2024
Keith Russell Queens E 17/Dec/2024


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