Basingstoke District Table Tennis Association

Summer League 2024 Registration Open May 27, 2024 June 16, 2024

Summer League 2024 is now open. Capacity for 24 teams to enter across 4 divisions, each with 6 teams. Competition will be run over 10 weeks, with promotion/ relegation after 5 weeks. The competition will be run every Tuesday evening at 19:30 from 25/Jun/2024 until 27/Aug/2024.

Registration can be completed at the following link;

It's £10 to register and £4 p/ night. Payment is through bank transfer, which can be found on the registration form. Closing date for entries is 15/Jun/2024.

BDTTA Help Required May 12, 2024 June 13, 2024

In our email of 21st April about the forthcoming AGM, the Executive Committee asked for nominations for 6 vacant posts.

Currently no nominations have been made for any of the roles.

In particular, the roles of Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer must be filled otherwise the Association simply cannot operate and would need to be dissolved.

So, if you feel you are able to fulfill one of these roles, please send your nomination to Terri Allison as soon as possible.

Nominations for these roles were due by 1st May, but in the circumstances we can delay until 23rd May.

(The reason for this date is that we need to give the members 14 days’ notice prior to the meeting which is scheduled for 13th June)

If you want to continue to play table tennis in Basingstoke, act now and volunteer

BDTTA Executive Committee

Role Descriptions;

1. chairs AGM 2. chairs regular committee meetings (about 4-6 per year) 3. represents BDTTA at TTE meetings 4. Signatory on bank account  
Skills required – no particular skills required, but must be able to think and act impartially, at least able to run small and medium sized meetings.


1) Takes minutes of AGM 2) Takes minutes of regular committee meetings (about 4-6 per year) 3) main point of contact for general correspondence 4) Signatory on bank account.
Skills required – able to take minutes and write them up coherently. Minutes are usually written in Microsoft Word and distributed in PDF


1) Maintains records of income and expenditure 2) Pays bills (eg rent, electricity, sports hall hire) 3) produces invoices for Essex road room hire 4) produces financial reports for AGM 5) Signatory on bank account  
Skills required – basic accounting skills (not much more sophisticated than running your home accounts), able to produce simple financial reports (templates will be provided)

Basingstoke Closed Competition March 9, 2024 April 20, 2024

Basingstoke closed competition will be held on 20/Apr/2024 at Aldworth School.

As with last year, the start will be from 13:00 as the sports hall isn't available in the morning. Also note there will be no catering available due to school restrictions

The entry form can be downloaded from here. Entries must be received by 13/Apr/2024


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