Winter League 2024 - 2025 - Player Registration Form

Winter League 2024 - 2025
All players in the Basingstoke and District Table Tennis League are required to complete this form and pay the appropriate registration fee before playing their first match in the league. Forms also need to be endorsed by their club Secretary or Match Secretary as appropriate.
Enter the player name
Enter your date of birth
Players under 18 on 01/Jan/2024 are entitled to compete in junior events in the current season
Enter the player email address
Enter the player phone number
Enter the player address including postcode
The league may publish addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and photographs taken of players on the website. Please uncheck if you DO NOT wish these details to be published:

Club Information
You need to enter your Table Tennis England membership number
League Fees
The membership fee for the Basingstoke and District Table Tennis Association is £11. Payment can be made through a bank transfer to account number 005-654-78 sort code 30-18-45. Please ensure that you put your name as a comment when making payment. Payment must be made prior to submitting this form and prior to playing in any BDTTA event. If payment is not made player results could be invalidated.
I confirm that I have paid  


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