Player Summary - Phil Boulter


Total Matches7
Total Games21
Games Won2
Games Lost19
Win Average9.5 %
Set Average3.5
Doubles Played6
Played Up0

Point Details


Played Summary

Game Results

Opponent Opponent Team Match Date Score
Sam Marchant Aldworth F 10/Oct/2024
Hayley Williams Aldworth F 10/Oct/2024
Stuart Goodfellow Aldworth F 10/Oct/2024
Ola Afolabi Queens F 24/Oct/2024
Bill Bavister Queens F 24/Oct/2024
Kanti Mistry Queens F 24/Oct/2024
Ron Draper Oakley B 31/Oct/2024
Chris Smith Oakley B 31/Oct/2024
Darren Rounce Oakley B 31/Oct/2024
Sarah Whithorn Oakley A 04/Nov/2024
Dave Smith Oakley A 04/Nov/2024
Trevor Lay Oakley A 04/Nov/2024
Alan Fletcher Queens H 20/Nov/2024
Jan MacDonald Queens H 20/Nov/2024
Tony Coombes Queens H 20/Nov/2024
Filip Zmuda KG F 28/Nov/2024
Mariusz Zmuda KG F 28/Nov/2024
Joyce Xu KG F 28/Nov/2024
joseph Marchant Aldworth F 03/Dec/2024
Stuart Goodfellow Aldworth F 03/Dec/2024
Hayley Williams Aldworth F 03/Dec/2024


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