Basingstole & District Table Tennis Association Rules

Members of the Executive Committee

ChairJon Clarke
Vice ChairMark Every
TreasurerJarlath Corbett
SecretaryTony Coombes
Registration SecretaryCelia Hooker
Team Handicap SecretaryTom Speed
Child Protection SecretaryCelia Hooker
Coaching OfficierPhil Snelson
HTTA RepresentativeSarah Whithorn
Development OfficierMark Every
Web AdministratorChris Parkyn
Honorary Competition SecretaryPosition Open
Honorary Press SecretaryPosition Open
Members of the committee can be contacted through the contacts page or you can send an email to


1. The Association shall be called the Basingstoke and District Table Tennis Association and shall be affiliated to the Table Tennis England (TTE) and the Hampshire Table Tennis Association (HTTA).

2. (a) The object of the Association shall be to conduct an annual competition between affiliated clubs, to arrange and conduct individual championship competitions and such other competitions as may be decided upon, to assist and encourage the formation of Table Tennis Clubs in Basingstoke and District and to promote the game of Table Tennis in every way. (b) Membership of the Association shall be open on application to anyone interested in the sport of Table Tennis, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.

3. The Association shall be open to all clubs whose playing premises are situated within twenty miles of the Civic Offices in Basingstoke and shall accept the Association's rules and regulations, the right of admission being left to the discretion of the Executive Committee.

4. The Officers of the Association shall consist of:
 Vice Chairperson
 Honorary Secretary
 Honorary Treasurer
 Honorary Competition Secretary
 Honorary Registration Secretary
 Honorary Inter-Town Secretary
 Honorary Development Officer
 Honorary HTTA Representative
 Honorary Trophy Secretary
 Honorary Press Officer
 Web Administrator
 The Basingstoke Table Tennis Centre Office


5. The Association shall have a President who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from nominations submitted by the Executive Committee. Any Registered Member of the Association may submit the name of a candidate to the Executive Committee for consideration at the Annual General Meeting by no later than 1st May prior to the Annual General Meeting.

Where a single candidate has been nominated, election will be by votes in favour cast by at least two thirds of the registered members present at the meeting.

Where more than one candidate has been nominated, election will be by a simple majority of the votes cast in respect of each candidate by the registered members present at the meeting. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

The President shall serve for a term of 2 years and shall be eligible for re-election for a further term or terms of 2 years.
Role of President
The President shall preside over the election of Member of the Executive Committee at the Annual General Meeting and shall present Awards and Trophies at the Annual General meeting or any Special General Meeting.
The President shall also represent the Association on formal occasions and shall generally promote the activities and interests of the Association.

Honorary Life Members

The distinction of Honorary Life Member may be conferred for special or long service to the Association, The distinction shall carry with it the right to attend and vote at any General Meetings of the Association and to the waiving of all personal entry or registration fees to competitions organised by the Association.

The distinction shall only be conferred at an Annual General Meeting from nominations submitted by the Executive Committee and upon the assent of at least two thirds of the registered members present at the meeting. Any Registered Member of the Association may submit the name of a candidate to the Executive Committee for consideration at the Annual General Meeting by no later than 1st May prior to the Annual General Meeting.


7.(a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Committee which will consist of the officers holding the posts referred to in Rule 4 above and up to 3 other registered members. At meetings of the Executive Committee 5 members shall form a quorum.

The Executive Committee shall have complete discretion on the interpretation of the rules and on all matters upon which these rules are silent.

7.(b) All members of the committee shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. Candidates for Executive committee positions must be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary by 1st May. Names should have a proposer and seconder and the permission of the candidate.

8.The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt such additional members as its business may require and to appoint sub-committees to deal with such matters as may be considered necessary. The Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of all sub-committees.

9.The Annual General Meeting will be held in June for the purpose of:
(a) The election of Officers, Committee Members and an Auditor.
(b) Receiving the annual reports and balance sheets for the preceding year.
(c) Deciding on such resolutions as may be submitted.
(d) Any other business.

The agenda, including an audited statement of accounts and balance sheet, will be circulated to all affiliated Clubs at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. Clubs not represented at the AGM will be fined £5.

10.A Special General Meeting of the Association shall be convened on a resolution of the Executive Committee or within one month of receipt by the Honorary Secretary of a resolution signed by at least 51% per of the registered members and representing at least 50%of registered clubs. Notice of the meeting and an agenda shall be circulated to all affiliated clubs at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. Only the business for which the meeting is called will be discussed. Clubs not represented will be fined £5.

11.Only registered members of the Association and the Executive Committee Members present at the Annual and any Special General Meeting will have the power to vote.

12.No alterations to, additions to or rescission of the rules will be effected unless at the Annual General Meeting of a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose. All resolutions in respect of rules must be passed by at least two thirds of the votes cast being in favour. Any proposed alteration or additions to the rules must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary in writing no later than 1st May, or together with the demand for a Special General Meeting.

League Competition

13. (a) Persons wishing to register as a player shall register annually on the Association's registration's form which must be received by the Honorary Registration Secretary, together with the appropriate Registration Fee referred to in Rule 41, prior to participation in any match.
(b) Registration as a player shall entitle the player to a handbook and eligibility to participate in all league and cup competitions organised by the Association.
(c) Registration as a player with the Association is conditional upon the player also registering as a player with TTE and the Association reserves the right to require the player to produce evidence of such registration at any time. Games played by unregistered players shall be forfeited to the opposing team and the current match score adjusted.

14. All registered members shall comply with TTE regulations and such other requirements as shall from time to time be stipulated by the TTE.

15. No registration will be accepted after 31st January except at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

16. No player may register for more than one team at any one time. Players wishing to re-register for another team during the season must make written application to the Honorary Registration Secretary with the Executive Committee having the authority to allow such a transfer or otherwise. Games played by ineligible players shall be forfeited to the opposing team and the corresponding match score adjusted.

17. A club must nominate three players per team at the time of team entry and must register at least three players per team before the start of the season.

18. If a club or team persistently postpones matches, the Executive Committee shall investigate the matter and may impose such penalty as it thinks fit.

19. If a team withdraws from the League before fulfilling its fixtures its record will be deleted from the League tables and its deposit forfeited.

20. All premises, playing conditions and equipment shall be subject to approval by the Executive Committee. Premises shall be reasonably accessible to disabled persons and the Executive Committee shall have the power to order a match to be played at a suitable alternative venue in the event of the premises being deemed by the Executive Committee to be unsuitable.

21. All matches shall be played in according with the Laws of Table Tennis as approved by TTE and with a 40+ ball of a kind approved by the TTE.

22. Matches cannot be conceded and may be postponed only with permission from the committee. Captains must request postponement via the website.

23. Teams that miss a match for which permission was not granted will have 10 points deducted and will be required to play the match at a later date.

24. Any matches postponed in the first half of the season must be played by 31st Jan.

25. 48 hours notice of postponement must be given to the opposing team captain or club secretary, except in the case of adverse weather conditions.

26. At the end of the season 14 days only will be allowed for any outstanding matches. Failure to comply with this rule will mean points will be awarded by the Executive Committee.

27. Where clubs have more than one team entered in the League the Executive Committee will rank each team. Players may play for superior teams provided that a player who plays four times for superior teams will be re-registered in the lowest ranked superior team for which they have played; at which point they become tied to that team and are not permitted to play for any other team. Where a club has two or more teams in one division a player may play for a superior team within that same division, subject to the same condition of re-registration as detailed in the preceding section of the rule.

28. All registered members shall automatically be members of the Basingstoke Table Tennis Centre at Essex Road and shall be entitled to the use of such facilities that are provided by the Centre, subject to any regulations imposed by the Association relating to the Centre.

29. (a) Every match will consist of a team of at least two players opposing a team of at least two players save that each team may play a fourth player for purposes of participating in the Doubles Set only. In singles play each player shall play every player of the opposing team one set. One doubles pair from each team will also play one set. A set will be won by the player or doubles pair first winning three games. A league point shall be awarded for every set won. (b)The relevant number of league points shall be awarded to the opposing team in respect of each absent player.

30. Order of play (which may vary by mutual consent of the captains) to be where A, B and C are the home team and X, Y and Z the away team. Doubles set to be played as the fourth game of the match.
A Vs X
B Vs Y
C Vs Z
Doubles Set
B Vs X
A Vs Z
C Vs Y
B Vs Z
C Vs X
A Vs Y

31. There shall be ten league points available for each match which shall comprise of nine singles and one doubles game.

32. The position in the League will be decided by the number of league points won and, in the event of a tie, by the number of matches won and, in the event of trophies are concerned the teams will play off on a neutral table. Points will be awarded as in the League except there will be no doubles game played. The teams will equally share any expenses in the play off.

33. Umpires will be appointed by mutual consent.

34. All score cards shall be entered online to the Association's Web Site by the home team. Within seven days of the match being played.

35. A match shall start at 7.30pm unless otherwise agreed by the team captains. A player arriving later than 45 minutes of the agreed start time shall not be permitted to play without the consent of the opposing captain. Where any player(s) in a team arrives later than the time stipulated above, the game or games missed by the said player(s) may be claimed by the opposing captain.

36. At the beginning of the season:
(a) The bottom two teams of each Division shall be relegated to the next lowest Division except the teams at the bottom of the lowest Division.
(b) The top two teams of each Division shall be promoted to the next highest Division except the teams at the top of the highest Division.
Save that the Executive Committee shall exercise its discretionary powers to ensure an even and compatible League structure.


37. (a) The financial year of the Association shall end on 31st March. In the event of a deficit at the end of any financial year, all competing clubs shall be liable to make good the deficit. The amount levied on each club will be in proportion to the number of teams that have entered.
(b) All surplus income or profits shall be re-invested in the Association. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to clubs, members of the Association or third parties.
(c) Upon dissolution of the Association, any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to TTE for use in the promotion and development of Table Tennis.

38. The funds of the Association will be lodged at a bank and all cheques drawn on the account must be signed by any two of the following: Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer.

39. Each team shall pay an Annual Subscription of £40 which shall include an affiliation fee to TTE and HTTA.

40. Individuals may register as non-playing members of the Association on payment of an Annual Registration Fee which shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.

41. The Annual Registration Fee for players and non-playing members shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting. Registration with the Association will confer voting rights at the Annual General Meeting or and Special General Meeting and, in the case of playing members, will entitle the member to participate in league and cup Competitions organised by the Association.

42. Each club shall, make a deposit of £10 per team with the Association at the time of applying for membership. The deposit shall be returned at the end of the season, less any deductions in respect of fines or levies which may be imposed on the club.

43. The Association shall be responsible for the cost of supplying and engraving all trophies awarded by them.

44. Clubs will be responsible for the safe custody of team trophies and the winners themselves will be responsible for safe custody of individual trophies. All perpetual trophies must be returned to the Honorary Trophy Secretary by 31st January of the Current season in a clean condition.

Closed Championships

45. Only registered playing members of the Association who have played and completed a minimum of three separate complete league matches by the closing date for entry shall be entitled to participate in the Closed Championship.

46. Closed Championships shall be run in accordance with TTE Rules & Guidelines.


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