Player Summary - Malcolm Cummins


Total Matches7
Total Games21
Games Won19
Games Lost2
Win Average90.5 %
Set Average3.3
Doubles Played5
Played Up0

Point Details


Played Summary

Game Results

Opponent Opponent Team Match Date Score
Jon Clarke Queens B 26/Sep/2023
Mike Jones Queens B 26/Sep/2023
Phil Davenport Queens B 26/Sep/2023
Ben Lang KG A ( KG B ) 03/Oct/2023
Steve Ng KG A 03/Oct/2023
Eric Wong KG A ( KG B ) 03/Oct/2023
Celia Hooker Queens C 10/Oct/2023
Tommy Wan Queens C ( Queens D ) 10/Oct/2023
Sue Purton Queens C 10/Oct/2023
Kasun Wijesekara Saints 24/Oct/2023
Paul Rattue Saints 24/Oct/2023
Terry White Saints 24/Oct/2023
Paul Shakespeare Aldworth B 31/Oct/2023
James Ellicott Aldworth B 31/Oct/2023
Jamie Cole Aldworth B 31/Oct/2023
Praneet Moongrey KG A 28/Nov/2023
Steve Ng KG A 28/Nov/2023
Micky Lang KG A 28/Nov/2023
Gabor Bodnar Aldworth B 06/Feb/2024
Gary Livingstone Aldworth B 06/Feb/2024
Andy Prince Aldworth B 06/Feb/2024


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